Tag: christian

Silence is Golden

Today, it is so easy to fill the quiet moments in our life with noise. Have you noticed this? Do you find yourself itching to turn the music on in the car, even for a five minute drive? Do you constantly need noise, or the presence of other people to avoid your own thoughts? Our thoughts shouldn’t scare us that much! But if they do – and our response is to drown them out – we will never be able to properly deal with them unless we respond by stopping and listening to the silence.

Our mission of mercy

‘Mercy is something that’s unfathomable until you experience it. It obliterates the walls of ‘justice’ and ‘fairness’ we construct in our human minds and builds them back up with a Divine plan in mind – to get us all to Heaven.’
Elise writes about the impact of being shown mercy as a child Vs the need to show mercy to each other as adults, so that we become more open to and aware of God’s Divine Mercy.

Being the Christian friend

As Christians in our daily life, it’s easy to be critical of our secular modern world. It can leave a lot to be desired when we see so many people treat each other so poorly and passionately deny our God. Some – even those we thought were our friends – […]

Where Joy comes from

Where all this Joy is coming from Why all this joy? Is she just trying to be funny? Actually, no. Since the pandemic I’ve watched and talked to people I care about, people I admire across the globe all take a hit in one way or another. I saw the […]

A Practical Prayer; when Bearing the Burdens of Others

We live in a country and a time where the seemingly smallest of struggles can feel like the biggest inconveniences. Our car radio doesn’t take an aux cord, our phone goes flat, we forget our earphones for a bus ride or we “have absolutely nothing to wear”. Then we flick […]

‘Work harder!’ But I’m worn out…

How exhausting. Hard work is a necessary part of life. How many times have we been counselled to work hard in order to achieve our goals? To just push on, give more, put more effort in, sounds like a recipe for being ‘Worn Out’ maybe even ‘Burnt Out’. It certainly […]

Simply Surrender

Simply Surrender “Jesus does not demand great actions from us, but simply surrender and gratitude”  – Therese Martin Growing up, if I was sure of anything, it was that I wanted to be a doctor. When I was 8, the worries of getting good enough grades, finding money to survive […]